Abbots Bromley Art Class

The class is limited to 12 students. This allows the tutor to advise, demonstrate and encourage individualism, development and an understanding of composition, colour and technique.
For further information please ring Pat Clare on 01889-270139 or call in one Thursday afternoon and have a chat.
The pictures show a selection of the Art Class paintings on show in the church on Horn Dance day.
Abbots Bromley Bellringers

We ring for church services on Sunday mornings and also for weddings and we practice weekly on a Tuesday evening from 8pm. Afterwards we can usually be found in The Bagot Arms.
We are always keen to recruit and train new bellringers of all ages from 10 years old upwards. Learning to handle a bell safely can take about 6 lessons and we often run dedicated learners practices to speed this process up. Once you can handle a bell you will be welcome in any of the 5000+ churches with bells in this country and overseas.
We also maintain the bells and bell frame in good working order. This involves painting the iron bellframe, lubricating clappers, splicing ropes, winding the church clock, and lots of other smaller jobs.
As a hobby, bellringing has a lot going for it, including:
- It’s good for you – gentle exercise, or more energetic if you want to ring the tenor bell (weighing about half a ton!)
- It’s challenging – need a good sense of rhythm rather than to be able to read music
- It’s something a bit different
- It’s a team activity and so you get to meet lots of people. We get a lot of visitors as our bells are considered among the best in the area
- We visit other towers and so you get to visit lots of places both UK and even abroad
- Get to see behind the scenes of the church
If you would like to know more about ringing, are a visitor and would like to join in one of our practice nights, or are interested in learning to ring, you’ll be made very welcome.
Contact Stuart Hutchieson:
Telephone: 01283 840360
Web pages:
Or just come along at 8pm on most Tuesday nights. Our ringing schedule is given on the “Calendar” page of our website.
Abbots Bromley Bowls Club
If you are interested in playing crown green bowls and would like to join a bowling club you would be most welcome at Abbots Bromley Bowls Club.
We play friendly fixtures against other local villages and hold “roll up” games on Saturday afternoons, Tuesday mornings and some evenings. As members you would be able to play any time the green is available.
The club is Crown Green and has been in existence since 1922.
During winter it also has an associate indoor short mat bowls club that plays in the Village Hall on Friday and Sunday evenings from 7 – 9pm.
If you require further information please contact the club secretary, Carol Bradford: Telephone: 01283 840510
Abbots Bromley Chess Club

- Anyone and everyone of all ages and abilities welcome!
- Online friendly and league matches against teams across the World every week
- ‘Over the board’ meet-ups in the village on various Sundays
- Teaching available for developing players
Tel: Peter Hornsby 07528-665226
Web pages: Abbots Bromley Chess Club
Abbots Bromley Community First Responders
Contact: Rob Stevenson – AB Coordinator
Telephone: 07800 849237
Abbots Bromley Cricket Club

The club provides opportunities for all ages to play and watch through a variety of teams.
- Kwik Cricket (under 12’s): Practice on Saturday mornings with matches on Friday evenings.
- Under 15’s: Practice on Monday evenings and play matches on Thursday evenings.
From over 15’s to 50+’s there are opportunities on:
- Saturdays: First XI play in the Derbyshire and District Cricket League Division 7 South and Friendly XI play local “friendly” fixtures
- Sundays: 1st XI: Lichfield League Division 2
…and occasional mid-week matches.
Occasional friendly matches are arranged when the need arises. A new innovation in 2001 was the limited-over intra village competition.
New players, spectators and social members are always welcome, please contact one of the officers below.
Cricket Club contacts:
- Club Chairman: Chris Wood – (01283) 840680
- Vice Chairman: John Haley – (01283) 841007
- Secretary: Dave Jones – (01283) 841041
- Treasurer: Sarah Roberts – (01283) 840975
Web pages: Abbots Bromley Cricket Club
Abbots Bromley Dance Classes

Ballet, tap and modern classes are held every week. If required there is also the opportunity to take exams in each of the subjects and participate in shows and competitions.
Angelina is a qualified member of the Midland Independent Dance Arts Association (which is recognised by the Stage Dance Council).
She has appeared in professional productions with performers such as Danny La Rue, Les Dawson, Cannon and Ball and Russ Abbott. Angelina has also appeared in television programmes including Boon with Michael Elphick, Pebble Mill at One, Crossroads and various TV commercials.
For further information please visit her webpages.
Abbots Bromley History Society
A group of passionate history lovers who meet the last Wednesday of the month, with the exception of August and December.
We have a Diary of speakers and outings throughout the year. New members always welcome.
We meet primarily in Church House. You can leave your email with us to receive an update of the forthcoming gathering.
In the first instance call Jan Rea 07484793792 or email for more information.
Abbots Bromley Joint Scout and Guide Group
Anyone between the ages of 5 and 18 years can be involved. We have over 100 young members in the group, supported by leaders, young leaders and parent helpers.
For a young person, the Abbots Bromley Scout Group and Guiding units are a place to have fun, make new friends, learn new skills and have the kind of adventures that you can’t have anywhere else.
Whether you’re a young person who wants a taste of adventure, a parent who’s looking for a new interest for their child, or an adult who wants to volunteer or help out in some way, we want to hear from you.
- 1st A.B. Rainbows: Jenny Simmonds (01283 840887)
- 1st A.B. Brownies: Lesley Griggs (07800 824732)
- 3rd A.B. Guides: Emma Catterall (01283 840358)
- 1st A.B. Beaver Scouts: Hannah Love (07807 102162)
- 1st A.B. Cub Scouts: Simon Wilson (01283 840224)
- 1st A.B. Scouts: Rebecca Male (07913 355072 or
- 1st A.B. Explorer Scouts: Ed Bayliss (07768 046582)
Abbots Bromley Junior Football Club

We have been providing football coaching and matches for local youngsters since 1992 and early in 2011 were awarded the FA “Charter Standard” which is the Football Association’s official seal of approval for amateur clubs.
This means our players can enjoy training and matches in a well run and safe environment and under the supervision of FA qualified coaches at all age groups. We have our own Code of Conduct and our volunteers are CRB checked and trained in Emergency First Aid and Safeguarding Children.
Currently all our teams play in the Burton Junior Football League.
We are always looking for players to join our club and progress to represent Abbots Bromley JFC as a regular member of one of our teams.
If you would like to know more, please don’t hesitate to contact the club via the contact details below.
Junior Football Club contacts:
- Chairman: Nigel Richards – (01283) 840142
- Secretary: Nick Wells – 07850 003586
Abbots Bromley Ladies Club
We are a very friendly club, offering meetings (with speakers) or social events every month, except August and January. In addition there are occasional social events and we generally support a local charity or two during the year.
We meet on the third Thursday of the month, in Church House, Abbots Bromley at 7.30 pm and membership costs just £10 per year. We look forward to meeting you…a warm welcome awaits!
If you would like further information, please call Karen Hill on 01889 586379 or email
Abbots Bromley Netball Club
We train on Wednesday from 1830 – 2000 at Abbots Bromley Girls School.
Find us on Facebook as “Abbots Bromley Netball Club”
Netball Club contacts
Chair: Niki Evans – 07854-288096
Secretary: Claire Collier – 07966-637044
Treasurer: Claire Gould – 07967-885554
Abbots Bromley Produce Guild

The Guild has been in existence for over 60 years and meets on the second Wednesday of every month in Church House starting at 7:30pm.
We are a friendly group with a shared interest in anything to do with horticulture, quite a few of us are complete novices.
We have visiting speakers on a wide range of subjects, mostly garden related. There is a monthly competition (not compulsory) with four classes:-
- Cut flowers
- A pot plant
- Fruit or veg
- A photograph
– for which points are awarded to add towards an annual trophy.
On a Saturday morning in May we have a fund raising Plant Sale and coffee morning, get your bargain plants and gorgeous cakes.
In July we have “The Rose and Sweet Pea Show”for Guild members only, this has about 12 classes including pot plants, garden flowers and some baking, so that everyone can find something to enter. While the judging is in progress we usually visit a members garden.
Our August meeting is an organised trip, usually to a garden.
September is the great ‘Potato Weigh In’, the bucket and single potato given to each member in the spring is returned and the contents emptied and weighed to see who has the heaviest crop. This is usually quite a boisterous evening, especially when a bucket has had the added interest of a mouse or an ants nest. This is followed by a chip supper.
Also on a Saturday in mid September we have our Annual Show which is open to all, non members and children are especially welcome. There are categories for cut flowers, pot plants, vegetables, fruit,flower arranging, baking and photography. A show schedule will be available online or from the village shops or our secretary in August.
New members are welcome, the annual membership fee is £12-00. You could come to one of our meetings, pay a visitors fee of £1-50.
Produce Guild contacts:
Name | Telephone | |
Chairman | Ann Emerson | (01283) 840137 |
Secretary | Kath Cadman | (01283) 840606 |
Publicity | Ann Emerson | Email Ann |
Some gardening links:
- Gardeners’ World – the magazine
- Royal Horticultural Society – gardening for all
- Allotment – allotment vegetable growing
More of our pictures:
Abbots Bromley Sports Association

The availability of a site on Lichfield Road and the approval of an initial planning application has created the opportunity to raise funding to see the project realised.
ABSA is always looking for others to be involved and more information can be found on their web pages at
Here is an overview of the proposed development:
Abbots Bromley Tennis Club

We are a small friendly club and we are always on the look out for new members – no experience necessary! The club is LTA affiliated.
Wednesday evenings from 6.00 is the club night session, a good time for new members to come along and join in. (All abilities are welcome).
Tuesday evenings are reserved for coaching and juniors.
We currently run 2 teams in the Burton area leagues.
For enquiries email
Abbots Bromley Village Hall

- A spacious Main Hall that can seat up to 140 guests, complete with an overlooking balcony
- A a large reception foyer with a bar and kitchen facilities
- Two separate meeting rooms on the first floor, each with a seating capacity of 40 people
Visit the Village Hall web pages for more information.
Abbots Bromley Women’s Institute

We are affiliated to the Staffordshire Federation of Women’s Institutes (SFWI) and celebrated our 95th birthday in June 2017. Our institute offers fun and friendship, with a wide range of interesting and diverse speakers, who give talks on subjects such as Shetland and Orkney, Living with MS and Making Wine from Hedgerows.
We also organise many social events including birthday teas, quizzes, group meetings, often attend meetings and parties of other WI’s, go on organised walks, and regularly enjoy afternoon tea.
We raise funds for charity at Horn Dance Day, and organise St Nicholas Church Christmas Tree Festival. We participate in the activities of other local organisations including knitting sensory bands for the local day centre and helping at the village nursery school. Visits are made to house-bound people in their homes, which is part of the National Federation’s campaign to alleviate loneliness.
Special events are organised by the SFWI, including meetings with well-known speakers, lunches, visits to specialist gardens and craft shows. Every year members have the opportunity to attend courses at Denman College in Oxfordshire, which is the home of WI learning and provides educational courses in many different subjects. Recently our members have attended courses on gardening, bridge, jewellery making and Shakespeare.
Our members are a bright and lively group of ladies, who will give a very warm welcome to all visitors and new members.
WI motto – Inspiring Women!
Contact: Christine Gilchrist
Telephone: 01283 840523
Blithfield Sailing Club

The main sailing day is Sunday, although Wednesday evenings and Saturdays are also busy during the summer.
If you want to bring home Olympic Gold, one of the best places to practice is on your doorstep!
More information is available on the club web pages (see link below).
For more information contact Tim Male:
- Telephone: (01283)-840429
- Email:
- Web pages: Blithfield Sailing Club