Quality Council Certificate Presented

In presenting the certificate, Mr Steve Hopkins of the County Accreditation Panel, explained the significance of the award as an independent assessment across a broad set of criteria. In a national context, it was a key component in ensuring that local government aimed for the highest standards in serving their communities.

Abbots Bromley is the eighth Quality Council in Staffordshire, the first in the Borough of East Staffordshire, and the 162nd in the country. By acquiring Quality status, Parish and Town Councils – the first tier of government – can demonstrate that they are representative, in touch with their communities, competent and capable of taking on an enhanced role. The other seven Quality Councils in Staffordshire are: Brewood and Coven Parish Council, Colwich Parish Council, Eccleshall Parish Council, Lichfield City Council, Penkridge Parish Council, Shenstone Parish Council, and Stowe by Chartley Parish Council.

Abbots Bromley committed itself to achieving Quality Council status when the scheme was introduced in 2003. Since then it has worked steadily towards the goal with a process of self-assessment, making changes as necessary. The end result was the successful submission of a detailed application for Quality Status.

Clerk, Eric Roy, obtained a distinction in the Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) – the specific qualification for Clerks – in order to satisfy one of the many tests for Quality status.

The Quality Council programme in Staffordshire has been initiated and supported by the Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association. SPCA has actively promoted the scheme by encouraging local councils to participate and by administering the County Accreditation Panel.

Mary Booth, Chief Executive of SPCA and Secretary of the Quality Status County Accreditation Panel, said:
“The County Accreditation Panel is very pleased to announce that Abbots Bromley Parish Council has been awarded Quality Parish Status. The Council clearly demonstrated in their submission to the Panel that they are properly managed and actively involved with the whole community.”

Speaking on behalf of the Parish Council, Chairman Councillor Philip Charles said:
“We are delighted to receive this independent recognition of the quality of our work and we believe that it reflects the dedication and hard work put in by both Clerk and Councillors. The process of preparing our application helped challenge our thinking about how the Council should operate and required us to make some positive changes to the way we work, including the introduction of regular surgeries. However, we have no reason to be complacent, and recognise that there will always be further opportunities to improve the way that we communicate and consult with the electorate. We therefore hope to build on this success rather than rest on our laurels.”

Rural Enterprise Support Grant II

The new RESG II grant is now open for applications from rural businesses.

The RESG II aims to provide financial support to new or fledgling businesses or enterprises up to 18 months old either to start their business idea, further develop their existing enterprise or start a new enterprise. We have a grant pot of £25,000 and will look to support applications from £250.00 to £2500.00.

Business Enterprise Support Ltd will, as last year, provide the administrative function and business advice service and will act as the point of contact for applicants and for those that require an application form.

Further information and application forms are available from:

G Sage
Rural Policy Officer

Town Hall, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire. DEI4 2EB
Telephone: 01283 508000 Fax: 01283 535412

Notice of WaterVoice meeting for Severn Trent Region

Representatives from Severn Trent Water, South Staffordshire Water, The Drinking Water Inspectorate and The Environment Agency will be present. The main items on the agenda will include a presentation from Severn Trent’s new Managing Director and the Drinking Water Inspectorate will present the findings from their Annual Report on drinking water quality over the past year.

In accordance with the provision of the Water Industry Act 1991 and the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the meeting will be open to the public. A copy of the agenda will be available at the meeting or in advance from the address above.

WaterVoice Central has been established by the Director General of Water Services to represent the interests of customers receiving water and/or sewerage services from the following companies: Severn Trent Water Limited and South Staffordshire Water Pic.

Lee Newman
Regional Manager

First Floor. Chanelle House. 86 New Street. Birmingham B2 4BA
Telephone – Office: 0121 644 5252. Fax: 0121 644 5256 Local): 08457 023953. Minicom: 0121 625 1422 Email: central@watervoice.org.uk

Closure of Ashbrook Lane



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Staffordshire County Council intend, not less than seven days from the date of this Notice, to make an Order the effect of which will be to prohibit any vehicle from proceeding in that length of Ashbrook Lane, Abbots Bromley between Hillside to Blounts Hollow Road unless the vehicle is being used in connection with the works.

The alternative route for traffic will be available via Lichfield Road B5014, Uttoxeter Road B5014, Kings Bromley Lane A513, Rugeley Road A513, Lichfield Road A513, Yoxall Road A515, SudburyRoad A515, Duffield Lane B5234, Bromley Wood A515 and vice versa.

The Order will come into operation on the 1st August 2005 and will remain in force for a period of 18 months or until the carriageway resurfacing works, which it is proposed to carry out on or near the road, have been completed, whichever is the earlier.


In the unlikely event that the works are not completed within eighteen months the Order may be extended for a further period by the Secretary of State.

Olwen Dutton
Corporate Director (Resources)

Date: 20th July 2005
County Buildings, Martin Street,
Stafford. ST162LH

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