Staffordshire Police request your on-line feedback
Staffordshire Police is arranging itself to enhance delivery of local neighbourhood policing services.
They would like those who are residents of the area to help them develop their services by completing a short questionnaire about your policing needs.
The questionnaire is very short (five pages), but will provide them with some valuable information about the type and focus of policing that should be developed for your area.
Click on (link expired) to access the short questionnaire which can be completed and sent on line.
Minerals and Waste Development Framework (MWDF)
The Government has introduced major changes to the plan-making system through the introduction of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
The new Act requires local planning authorities to prepare and produce a new generation of planning policy documents termed ‘Local Development Frameworks’ (LDFs) which are to eventually replace existing Local Plans. These new documents, along with other changes to the planning system are intended to make the planning system much more streamlined and promote a positive approach to managing development.
For more information and access to the consultation documents visit (link expired)
21st year – New Production – New Directors
This comedy based on timeless themes of family and personal relationships will set audiences laughing and thinking. Tracy is not sure how to tell her parents, her boyfriend, or her indomitable, though bedridden, grandmother that she is pregnant. Hypochondriac Idris, her father jumps to wrong conclusions and feeds the neighbours’ misunderstandings.
Charlie and Tom, experienced actors with the Players, are making their directing debut with this production. Sixth Formers at Thomas Alleynes, Uttoxeter, we expect to hear much more from this talented pair in the future.
Performances are at 7.30pm each night, with doors and a licenced bar opening at 7.00pm. Tickets are available from the Abbots Bromley Post Office or from 01283 840247.
Climate Change and Staffordshire
In July Staffordshire County Council Members passed a resolution on climate change, in which they agreed that a County-wide public consultation should be undertaken to gauge what the people of Staffordshire think the Council should be doing about this global problem.
We want everyone to know that they can have their say about what actions we take here in Staffordshire to tackle climate change and its effects. We are particularly keen to reach people who might not ordinarily consider responding and those with limited opportunities perhaps because of health, lifestyle or geography.
The consultation was launched on Tuesday, 18 October and will run until Thursday, 12 January so there is plenty of time to take part.
Visit (link expired) to read more and fill in a brief on-line questionnaire.
Homebuy Scheme
The Homebuy Scheme is available to those living in or wishing to live in Staffordshire & Shropshire and provides the opportunity to tenants of Local Authorities or Registered Social Landlords (eg. Housing Association) to move on and acquire a property of their own.
The aim of the scheme is to reduce housing waiting lists and those who are registered on the Local Authority housing list may also be considered. Those who are in receipt of housing benefit will be considered but you must be able to fund (with a mortgage, if required) your contribution, being 75% of the purchase price.
The Scheme helps people to buy a home on the open market by allowing The Association to provide a loan of 25% of the purchase price. There are no monthly payments and instead the loan may be repaid when you sell the property. Alternatively, the loan may be repaid sooner and one option would be to increase your mortgage when your financial circumstances have improved.
This provides a brief guide to the Scheme and other considerations will be taken into account. Funding is limited and is not guaranteed to everyone who applies.
Please note, that whilst The Association is still accepting Homebuy applications, funding for this scheme for this year has now been spent. Any new applications received will, therefore, be held on file and processed as soon as possible in the new financial year, being April 2006. Please also note that the Homebuy Scheme is undergoing a review at the moment and some changes to the terms and conditions may be introduced in April 2006.
Mandy Riley, sales assistant or
Gill McGovern, senior sales officer
Tel: 01782 203570 / 69
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