Vacancy for Parish Councillor

A formal notice of the vacancy was published on 8th December 2008 and electors have until 31st December to request an election. If no election is requested, the Parish Council is free to co-opt an additional member – see the notice on local notice boards for further details.

November 2008 Parish Council Meeting

The meeting agenda is available to view/print from these pages.

Update on street lighting

Mr Steve Bradbury – Lighting Manager from Staffordshire County Council and Mr Martin Beavis – Project Manager from Eon (formerly ABB) attended along with County Cllr Philip Atkins, Borough Cllr Alex Fox, all parish councillors and 24 members of the public.

After an extended public session, the parish council met and agreed the following:-.

SCC and Eon be requested to investigate or provide the following and report back on progress to the parish council meeting on 26th November, 2008:-
(1) Review whether any of the wall mounted lights can be replaced with lower wattage fittings and what the cost would be
(2) Look at shielding any wall mounted lights which shine into bedrooms and where the wattage cannot be reduced and what the cost would be
(3) Switch off the two back lights on the twin headed lamp stands on Crown Bank from tomorrow and the parish council will review this at their meeting on 29th October, 2008 to see if this experiment can continue if no complaints have been received
(4) Look at alternative lighting designs for Crown Bank included a fully wall mounted scheme so that it can be shown through the presentation of such a scheme that a wall mounted scheme is not feasible
(5) Request technical specifications and costs for all proposals to be discussed

The clerk will forward details of everyone who has complained to her about light pollution from wall mounted lights through their windows to Steve Bradbury and he will review all complaints made to SCC so that all wall lights which have been the subject of a complaint regarding light pollution are looked at with a view to reducing the wattage.

If there is anyone else affected by light pollution in the bedroom windows from wall mounted lights, please let the clerk know as quickly as possible via the parish council email address (above) and the offending lights can be included in the above investigation.

Delivery of Bulletins
The parish council would like to apologise to any residents living in Cecil Payton Close, Alfred Lyons Close, Salter Grange, Longlands Place and Pagets Rise who did not receive their bulletins until after the meeting on 22nd October, 2008, this was due to unforeseen circumstances. There were several notices around the village about the meeting.

Mrs Sue Buxton
Clerk to the Parish Council
24th October, 2008

Extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council

This additional meeting will provide members of the public with an oppportunity to hear from, and discuss with, County and District Councillors, matters such as the new lighting. The meeting agenda is available on these web pages.

Baby Sensory coming to Abbots Bromley

Baby Sensory is a unique baby development class, focusing on all your baby’s senses. It includes baby signing, whispering, massage, instruments, amazing light shows, bubbles, bells, tickly feathers and much more. There are different activities every week. It is an ideal way to meet other parents. It is for every baby age birth to 13 months.

See for more details.

Free taster session on Tuesday 14th October 10am-11am in Abbots Bromley Village Hall.

Classes begin Tue 28th October 10am-11am in the village hall.

Contact Gemma on 01543 425 071 or email

Your Village Hall needs YOU

From the Annual General Meeting in April 2009, the present Chairman and Treasurer of the Village Hall will be standing down. They fill key roles on the managament committee which meets each month.

The are therefore at least two opportunities for new volunteers to become involved in the management of this high quality village facility.

For further information, or to express your interest, please contact the present chairman, Mike King, on 01889-500660.

Exercise Classes in Abbots Bromley

Alison Jones provides a range of fitness classes at Abbots Bromley Village Hall (and in other nearby villages) and full details of these are available on our club web pages.

FITNESS PILATES and DANCE FITNESS classes for 9 – 15 year olds are being planned – contact Alison for further details or to register your interest.

Wednesday evening reservoir walk

The walk, with the Abbots Bromley Footpath Society, will leave from the Butter Cross in the centre of the village at 6:30pm.

Everyone is welcome to join the walk which will include crossing some stiles and uneven ground.

PACT meeting will be held on Tuesday, 22nd July, 2008

The meeting will be attended by the Police, the Parish Council, the County Council and the Borough Council.

At the end of each meeting a vote is taken on the most important issues which are then allocated to the appropriate body/person to be followed up prior to the next meeting.

This really is your chance to have your say, get things done and make a difference in your community.

Dig out your photo albums, and start snapping

The photos can be as simple as ones of your back garden or your front room – and you can be in them, or not. You can send in a photo of your local bus-stop, or favourite corner of your neighbourhood pub† or even your pets† or sights on your walks round the area. One man from Newcastle under Lyme submitted 5000 pictures!

All photos are welcome, and there is no cost involved as all you have to do is post them on a website. All is explained on the (link expired). It also shows you how to submit your photos.

But – and this is the thing – you need to do it quickly, because the Big Picture project must finish on June 30th!
Okay – get snapping – it’s your chance to make your garden/area/street famous!

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