News for young people in Abbots Bromley

Youth poster Watch out for posters around the village and further updates to each house and young person planned for the coming weeks.

An Abbots Bromley Youth Club has only become possible through the work of a dedicated team working very closely with Staffs County Council on this project.

The County are supplying 2 paid youth workers each week – one of whom will be paid for by the parish council and
the village will supply a further 2 volunteers each week from a pool of 13 people.

Watch out for further details.

Village Grass Cutting: Invitation to Tender

If you would like to receive the full Invitation to Tender Document, please contact the clerk.

Sealed Tenders must be submitted to the Clerk using the enclosed forms and envelopes and arrive no later than midday on Wednesday 18th November 2009. To verify receipt, those submitting tenders may wish to make use of the “Signed for” delivery service offered by Royal Mail.

Tenders will be opened and considered by the clerk and a councillor and report to the meeting on 25 November 2009, with the outcome communicated in writing to all those who tendered as soon as possible thereafter.

In reviewing the tenders, the Parish Council will not be constrained to accepting the lowest quote but will take into account the principles of “best value”.

Vacancy for Clerk to Parish Council

Abbots Bromley Parish Council is looking for a successor to the present Clerk from 1st January, 2010.

The successful applicant will be a good communicator, have
excellent organisational skills, and be a confident user of office technology.

Further details about the post are available here.

Autumn fitness

Several of the exercise classes run by Alison will be changing to different days for the Autumn 2009 programme.

Details of the new weekly schedule are available on the exercise class web page.

Abbots Bromley Circular Walks

Abbots Bromley Parish Council and the Abbots Bromley and District Footpath Society have arranged for the local walks leaflets originally produced in the 1990s to be updated.

Now in full colour, the leaflets can be downloaded from the Abbots Bromley walks page.

Sets of the original walks descriptions will continue to be available for purchase from the Post Office for the time being.

2009 Annual Report available

The first issue of the annual report is now available and contains updates from the Parish Council and various village organisations. The document can be viewed on-line.

A final version of the report will be issued after the Parish Assembly and will be announced in a Parish Council newsletter.

Vacancy for Parish Councillor – May 2009


That a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council.

If, by 14 days* after the date of this notice, a request for an election to fill the said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer at Town Hall, Burton Upon Trent, Staffs, DE14 2EB by TEN electors for the said Parish, an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.

If an election is called, it will take place within 60 days from the date of this Notice.

DAVID DUCKITT – Returning Officer
11th May, 2009

Walk from the Butter Cross on Sunday 19th April 2009

As part of the programme of organised walks by the Abbots Bromley and District Footpath Society, on Sunday 19th April there will be a walk starting from the Butter Cross at 2:30pm.

The four mile route will include a mixture of roads, paths and fields including several stiles. Anyone able to cope with this is invited to join the walk which should take around two hours depending on numbers.

March 2009 Parish Council Meeting

The meeting agenda is available to view/print from these pages.

Opus Theatre Company "Bride or Groom" on 7th March 200

Bride or Groom?

By Bill Cashmore and Andy Powrie
`Bride or Groom?’ tells the story of the struggle to get to and then attend a wedding reception. The first act concerns two very different couples who are thrown together in the race to be on time for a friends wedding. Disaster after
hysterical disaster happens, with the cars breaking down, trains being missed, fights, and a slow motion race to the bus stop to get the only available seats!!

They do get there, but all is not quite what it seems!!!
The second act is a set of people who play not only the ‘top table’ but guests at `table F’ who are at the very far end of the reception. The action switches back and forth between the tables and the actors play all of the roles from the drunken bride’s mother to the annoying third rate actor who bores everyone with his stories of off set antics!

Clever and extremely funny, as well as being poignant and touching, ‘Bride or Groom?’ will have audiences laughing with tears of pleasure and pain as the characters unravel the hysterical plot.

…’If you’ve ever been to a wedding then you’ll know disaster is just around the corner!…’

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