Parish Council Meeting – 02 January 2013
Note that the meeting will start at 7:00pm and will take place at Church House, Abbots Bromley. Agenda items are:
1. Apologies for absence
2. Public session
3. Declarations of Interests
4. Planning
– Applications
– Decisions
5. Lengthsman’s Contract
6. Financial Matters
– Report on payments made since last meeting
– Payments to be made
– Receipts
– Finance Report to 30th November, 2012
– Budget 2013/14 Enclosed
7. Date and time of next meeting
– Wednesday, 30th January, 2013, Village Hall
The full meeting notice is available on these pages
Uttoxeter Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter – December 2012
The latest issue of the newsletter is now available (see link below) and contains some timely advice on how to protect your property over the holiday season.
Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter – December 2012 (463.4 Kb)
Christmas 2012 waste and recycling collection dates
Information about the collections over the Christmas period is available on the ESBC web pages at (link expired).
Of interest to residents of Abbots Bromley, is that there will be no collection on Boxing Day, but there will be a collection instead on Saturday 29th December.
Some other relevant information from the ESBC web pages is, “Up to 3 additional bags of the appropriate waste type will be collected with your blue and grey bins during the period 24th December up to and including the 5th January on your collection day. Flattened cardboard will also be collected at the side of your blue bin.
PLEASE NOTE: the brown bins will NOT BE suspended this year. Brown bin collections will be continuing through the Christmas and New Year period to enable residents to recycle any leftover food waste.”
Waste and recycling collection dates
A variety of information is available on the ESBC web pages about the bin collections at (link expired).
Collections for Abbots Bromley are on Wednesday and the schedule of which bins are collected which week can be downloaded here or from the ESBC pages.
Village Grass Cutting: Invitation to Tender
If you would like to receive the full Invitation to Tender Document, please contact the clerk.
Sealed Tenders must be submitted to the Clerk using the enclosed forms and envelopes and arrive no later than midday on Wednesday 18th November 2009. To verify receipt, those submitting tenders may wish to make use of the “Signed for” delivery service offered by Royal Mail.
Tenders will be opened and considered and considered at the Parish Council meeting on 2nd January 2013, with the outcome communicated in writing to all those who tendered as soon as possible thereafter.
In reviewing the tenders, the Parish Council will not be constrained to accepting the lowest quote but will take into account the principles of “best value”.
Community Spirit Making A Difference
In May 2012, a team headed by Martin Godfrey, including Rev. Lynda Farrington, Gill Grundy, Anthea Blower, Maureen Allaker and Lesley Purden, decided on a plan of action to raise awareness for the need to support St Nicholas Church.
Aware that the weekly cost, circa £800, is a large mouth to feed, the team set about trying to “make a difference”. Local events were thought through, to invite the community as a whole to join in, have fun, socialise and to get out of the house for the day/evening.
The first event was quickly put to bed, advertised and what a success!! The Bagot Arms hosted a BBQ evening, attended by more than 100 people and £1060 raised.
We were now up and running and the secret was out – we had a fund raising social event agenda! October came and went with a fund raising Gift Aid Weekend. Another success for the team!
We have raised £2663 to date, and we know we can look forward to a healthy tax return in 2013 which should boost the total by another £500 approx. In November we held a Fun Quiz Night, hosted by the Coach & Horses, again supported by some 100 people and £700 raised.
The Crown supported with a Penny Jar collection and Cash Stores sold second hand books to help boost the overall total. Another £200 (ish) for the cause. We look forward to a full agenda of perhaps 6 events in 2013 and to full support from the community and others to help us “make a difference”.
Details of events to follow………
Martin Godfrey
Abbots Bromley Village Post Boxes
The small boxes that we now have are often full and do not take any mail larger than A5.
The Parish Council is still working to try to resolve this situation but if you feel strongly about this and have a bit of free time then we feel it may help if as many people as possible write to Royal Mail to express their concerns.
If you wish to do this then please contact the Parish Clerk and she will pass on the contact details for Royal Mail.
In the meantime the Parish Council will continue to request that a large box is installed.
(Item from Bromley Bulletin 49 – November 2012)
Best Kept Village Competition 2012
The final judgement was finely balanced between ourselves and Yoxall. We lost the trophy and first place because in May there was DOG MESS and cigarette ends on the village green. It seems the old problem has reared its head again!
The judges were delighted with the children’s posters all laminated and displayed round the village “a credit to the schools”.
Special praise was given for the areas around the Village Hall, Scout Hut, Buttercross and children’s playgrounds. The War Memorial was deemed immaculate with beautiful planters and no litter or weeds. The cricket pitch was in excellent condition and the Millennium Playground had the “best and most varied equipment seen for many years”. The pubs were also in excellent shape, particularly The Bagot Arms, and the bus shelters were deemed well maintained.
The Parish Council would like to congratulate everyone who cleaned and spruced their properties for this years effort it is much appreciated. A big thank you to all who worked so hard.
See you next year!
Thank you, Roger Mills
(Item from Bromley Bulletin 49 – November 2012)
PCC Election on 15th November 2012
Details of those persons nominated for the Police and Crime Commissioner Election on November 15th 2012 are now formally published and can be viewed here.
Burning desire to try something new?
If you are over 18 and live within five minutes drive of Abbots Bromley Fire Station, then you could be eligible to become a Retained Firefighter with Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service.
For further information, contact:
Toby Wilson
Tel: 01785 898692 (EXT 8692)
Mob: 07967 573567
Email –