Abbots Bromley Road Closure – Sunday 3rd June 2012

From 11am to 5pm on Sunday 3rd June 2012 Bagot Street, the Market Place and High Street will all be closed to traffic. This will have the effect of preventing access to Church Lane, Schoolhouse Lane, Bagots View, Swan Lane, Clarks Crescent and Hall Hill Lane.

From 11am to 1pm, Paget Rise will be closed also preventing access to Alfred Lyons Close, Cecil Peyton Close and Salter Grange.

During the period of closure, access will be restricted to emergency service vehicles only.

Best Kept Village Competition – winning posters

BKV Poster 1 thumbnail
A local BKV poster competition for younger members of the community is a frequent component of the Abbots Bromley village participation in the annual event run by the Community Council of Staffordshire.

During May and June 2012 many of the posters entered in the competition will be on display along the main street of the village.

Here we are including the two winning posters from the competition this year. On the left by Timothy Hensman aged 7 and in the 5-7 group and on the right by Oscar Haywood aged 9 for the 8-11 years age group.

Click on either of the pictures to see an enlarged image of the poster.

Parish Council Meeting – 23 May 2012

Note that the meeting will start at 7:00pm and will take place in Church House, Abbots Bromley. Agenda items are:
1. Apologies for absence
2. Public session
3. Election of Chairman
4. Election of Vice Chairman
5. Authority to Act Between Meetings
6. Working Groups
7. Declarations of Interests
8. Minutes of Previous Meetings
9. Matters of report
– Parish Assembly
– Parish Surgery
– Village Mini Bus
10. Planning
– Applications
– Decision
11. Financial Matters
– Report on payments and receipts
– Finance Report to 30th April 2012
12. Group Reports
13. Correspondence, bulletins & reports
14. Agenda items for the next meeting
15. Date and time of next meetings
– June Parish Council Meeting 7.00pm Wed, 27th June 2012 Village Hall

The full meeting notice is available on these pages

Annual Parish Assembly – 16 May 2012

The formal business will commence at 7.00 pm, tea and coffee will be available from 6.30 pm and the councillors will be present if you would like to discuss any issues with them informally beforehand.

At 7.00pm there will be a short presentation from Abbots Bromley Cricket & Football Club on the progress being made on the new Sports Ground on Lichfield Road and also the Scout & Guide Group on the Community Mini Bus.

1. Apologies
2. Chairman’s Report – Cllr Roger Jarman
3. Presentation of certificate to 2011 Jubilee Cup holders
4. Presentation of Jubilee Cup for 2012
5. Receive the accounts from United Charities
6. Open Forum
7. Chairman’s Closing Remarks

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