Temporary Recycling Facility at Uttoxeter

After much work by both county and borough councils we have come to a solution for Uttoxeter HWRC.

If you recall ESBC need the Pennycroft site to progress development works funded by a Local Growth Fund grant from the government via GBSLEP to develop this and another site in Burton at Bargates. This funding has to be spent this financial year.

SCC will fund and build a new HWRC site adjacent to the A50 and sewage works on land currently owned by ESBC after planning is granted and as the site access roads are built. In the interim SCC will provide a temporary HWRC site at the old Hockley crossing highways site in Uttoxeter, subject to planning permission being granted which is in progress.

Unfortunately there will be short period between the old one closing on August 31st and the temporary one opening, when ESBC will collect bagged ‘side’ green waste in addition to its normal green waste collections and place a number of its lorries in council car parks on Saturdays and Sundays.

I have to thank everyone involved in the work they have done since the election in May to achieve this solution. I know we all would have preferred no period of closure at all between the sites but this is the best we can do in a tight timescale with some of the issues such as funding out of our direct control.

Regards, Philip Atkins

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