Parish Council Meeting – 28 September 2016
Summary agenda:
1. Apologies for absence
2. Public session
3. Declarations of Interests
4. Minutes of Previous Meetings
5. Matters of report
6. Planning
7. Financial Matters
8. Group Reports
9. Correspondence, bulletins & reports
10. HS2
11. Agenda items for the next meeting
12. Date and time of next meeting
Wednesday, 26th October 2016, 7.00pm Memorial Room, Village Hall
The full meeting notice and draft minutes of the last meeting are available on these pages
Vacancy for two Parish Councillors
If so, following the recent resignation of two Councillors, there are presently vacancies on Abbots Bromley Parish Council. A formal notice of the vacancies is available.
For more information, contact:-
Mrs S Meads, Clerk to the Parish Council
Marsh Farm, Uttoxeter Road, Abbots Bromley, Staffs,
WS15 3EJ, Tel : 01283 840891
In the event of there being no nominations, co-options may be made at the Parish Council meeting in October.
Parish Council Meeting – 26 October 2016
Summary agenda:
1. Apologies for absence
2. Vacancies on Parish Council – co-option
3. Public session
4. Declarations of Interests
5. Minutes of Previous Meetings
6. Matters of report
7. Planning
8. Financial Matters
9. Group Reports
10. Correspondence, bulletins & reports
11. 2017 Meeting and Surgery dates
12. HS2
13. Agenda items for the next meeting
14. Date and time of next meeting
Wednesday, 30th November 2016, 7.00pm Memorial Room, Village Hall
The full meeting notice and draft minutes of the last meeting are available on these pages
Road Closures on Monday 12th September 2016
A formal notice has been issues allowing for road closures in connection with the Horn Dance on Monday 12th September 2016.
Details are contained in this document: Horn Dance day road closure (79.5 Kb)
New Phone Number (105) to report power cuts
In order to solve this problem, a new phone number is being launched by electricity networks. From 6th September 2016, dialling 105 will connect callers to their local electricity network operator.
105 is available to electricity customers in England, Scotland and Wales. The number can be accessed from most landlines and mobile phones. It doesn’t matter who you choose to buy electricity from – anyone can call 105.
The public can also call 105 if they spot damage to electricity power lines and substations that could put them, or someone else, in danger. If there’s a serious immediate risk, the emergency services should be called too.
Further details are available in the this presentation: Telephone 105 for power cuts (355.5 Kb)
Finfest Event 16-17th September 2016
The event is in memory of Chris Findley, an off duty police officer who died from injuries sustained after an unprovoked attack when walking home after a night out with friends in Wolverhampton in February 2013 and all profits are donated to the Brain and Spine Foundation.
For full details see the poster – Finfest 2016 poster (181.6 Kb)
ABNDP Newsletter and Housing Needs Analysis
The Abbots Bromley Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group is carrying out a local housing needs survey to build on what you told us in our first consultation. It is clear that housing and the future provision of housing is important to the community and therefore we need to understand more about this to inform the plan making process.
Local housing need is about getting to grips with what we as a Parish wish to see in terms of provision and therefore it is very important that we receive as many of these surveys back as possible. It has been devised to be as simple and quick to complete as possible. (Download the questionnaire)
We appreciate you taking the time to help us. Full details about how to return the form can be found at the end.
If you wish to find out more about Neighbourhood Plans and housing need then please visit the link below, or come and find us on the Neighbourhood Plan stall on the Village Green on Horn Dance Day (Mon 12th Sept).