Parish Council Meeting – 30 May 2018
Summary agenda:
1. Apologies for absence
2. Public session
3. Election of Chairman
4. Election of Vice Chairman
5. Authority to act between meetings
6. Working Groups
7. Declarations of Interests
8. Minutes of Previous Meetings
9. Matters of report
10. Planning
11. Group Reports
12. Correspondence, bulletins & reports
13. Parish Assembly
14. HS2
15. Agenda items for the next meeting
16. Date and time of next meeting
Wednesday, 27th June 2018 7.00pm Memorial Room, Village Hall
The full meeting notice and draft minutes of the last meeting are available on these pages
Neighbourhood Development Plan update May 2018
A copy of the letter can be viewed here: NDP Resignation (202.8 Kb)
Crime Survey – Can you help before 10th June 2018?
The survey is on-line and you can participate by clicking on this link:
A poster with a few extra details: Rural Crime Survey Poster (644.0 Kb)
Abbots Bromley Annual Parish Assembly – 23 May 2018
Tea and coffee will be available from 6.30pm and the councillors will be present if you would like to discuss any issues with them informally beforehand. There will also be visual displays by the Abbots Bromley Neighbourhood Plan Group.
The formal business will commence at 7.00pm.
1. Apologies
2. Chairman’s Report – Cllr P Charles
3. Presentation of Certificate to 2017 Jubilee Cup holders
4. Presentation of Jubilee Cup for 2018
5. Presentation of grants awarded to village organisations by the Parish Council, updates on projects provided by recipients
6. Receive the accounts from United Charities
7. Update on the Abbots Bromley Neighbourhood Plan
8. Annual report from Borough Cllr Greg Hall
9. Open Forum
10. Chairman’s Closing Remarks
The formal agenda can be viewed here: 2018 Parish Assembly Agenda (22.0 Kb)
Reports to the meeting can be viewed here: 2018 Annual Report
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- Staffordshire leaders call for people working through lockdown to get tested
- Notice of Conclusion of Audit for year ending 31st March 2020
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- Parish Council Meeting - 24 April 2019
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- Election Information - 2nd May 2019
- Abbots Bromley Annual Parish Assembly - 17 April 2019
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