Neighbourhood Development Plan future June 2018
Draft notes from the meeting held on 21 June 2018 are now available:
Parish Council Meeting – 27 June 2018
Summary agenda:
1. Apologies for absence
2. Public session
3. Declarations of Interests
4. Minutes of Previous Meetings
5. Speedwatch
6. Matters of report
7. Planning
8. Financial matters
9. Group Reports
10. Correspondence, bulletins & reports
11. Horn Dance
12. HS2
13. Agenda items for the next meeting
14. Date and time of next meeting
Wednesday, 25th July 2018 7.00pm Memorial Room, Village Hall
The full meeting notice and draft minutes of the last meeting are available on these pages
Community Involvement in Neighbourhood Development Plan
As previously notified The Neighbourhood Development Plan Group Chair stood down from the group following the Parish Assembly meeting in May.
Much of the Assembly meeting was dominated by residents declaring their dissatisfaction regarding the amount of consultation and effectiveness of the engagement process.
As part of helping to understand the work carried out on consultation the Statement of Community Involvement document has been added to the Neighbourhood Plan website. You can find it under the “Document Library” drop down tab or link directly to the document: Statement of Community Involvement (May 2018) (1.8 Mb).
Hopefully the information proves useful to both the community and any future Neighbourhood Plan Group.
A50 works – road closures in June 2018
There will be five overnight closures of the A50 in June from the 13 to the 17 inclusive, to allow the integration of new slip roads on and off the dual carriageway. Details can be found lower down.
After that, there will be a complete 24-hour-a-day closure of the A522 from 16 July to 28 September just west of Tunnicliffe Way.
The closure is to allow the removal of the embankment which raises the A522 up to the current bridge that crosses the A50 dual carriageway.
Workers will lower the area by approximately 20 feet, to allow the installation of new drainage and utilities and the completion of the final stretch of the new A522 carriageway, footpaths and street lighting to connect it to the new junction and bridge across the A50.
We appreciate this will cause inconvenience, so perhaps allow a little extra time for journeys, but we thank you in advance for your patience. To minimise disruption we have deliberately scheduled this important work to coincide with both the school holidays and the summer holiday closure of the JCB Heavy Products factory when traffic levels are lower.
Vehicles travelling west on the A522 will be diverted on to the A50 at the B5030 McDonald’s roundabout and then leave the A50 at the new junction, use the new bridge and re-join the A522. Those travelling east towards Uttoxeter will be diverted on to the eastbound A50 and at the B5030 roundabout traffic wanting Uttoxeter town centre will be directed left to follow the A518 The Dove Way.
Diversions will be signposted nearer the time and maps showing alternative routes posted on our webpage, while access to the Shell petrol station, which stands a few hundred yards west of the B5030 roundabout will be maintained at all times.
Pedestrians will still be able to travel in both directions by following a short diversion through Tunnicliffe Way and Torrance Grove and then along a temporarily-lit and resurfaced public footpath before re-joining the A522.
Overnight closures in June
Wednesday, 13 June – 8pm to 5.30am
Westbound carriageway closed, Eastbound carriageway open as usual.
Thursday, 14 June – 8pm to 5.30am
Eastbound carriageway closed, Westbound carriageway open as usual.
Friday, 15 June – 8pm to 5.30am
Carriageway closed in both directions.
Saturday, 16 June – 5.30am to 8pm
Inside lanes of both carriageways will remain closed.
Saturday, 16 June – 8pm to 5.30am
Carriageway closed in both directions.
Sunday, 17 June – 8pm to 5.30am
Carriageway closed in both directions
The closures have been scheduled so that on Thursday, 14 June traffic heading towards Stoke-on-Trent will be able to get away from the Ladies’ Night event at Uttoxeter racecourse without any difficulty. The dates of this work may change due to weather conditions.
There are also overnight closures of the A50 planned for Saturday, 14 July, and Sunday 15 July, between 8pm and 5.30am.
During the closures of the A50, we will put a fully signposted diversion route in place, suitable for all vehicles, including HGVs. Highways England will put advance notices warning of the closures on its wider A-road and motorway network to encourage traffic to take alternative routes on the nights of the closures.
Traffic heading west will be diverted northwards from the A50 on to the B5030 for a few hundred yards to the roundabout with the A518. Traffic will turn right there, cross back over the A50 along Dove Way and continue on the A518 clockwise around Uttoxeter and follow the road towards Stafford. Vehicles will then follow the A51 and A34 towards Stoke-on-Trent and then on to the A500 and A50. The route is reversed from the west.
East Staffordshire Voluntary Car Scheme
This offers a service for the residents of your community unable to use the public services available for essential journeys, i.e., hospital appointments.
Those involved with East Staffordshire Voluntary Car Scheme are the volunteer drivers who previously worked as volunteers for Mobility Link.
Here is a flyer providing the information required in order to book a journey:
– Flyer for East Staffordshire Voluntary Car Scheme (29.2 Kb)
Annual Audit to March 2018 – Exercise of public rights
The full test of the announcement regarding the exercise of public rights may be found here and the copy of the audit report can be viewed.