Upcoming HS2 information event

The event will take place at Abbots Bromley Village Hall,
Bagot St, Abbots Bromley, Rugeley, WS15 3DB on Friday 19 October from 2pm–8pm.

You can read the background to this subject in a newsletter: HS2 Power Supply Newsletter (255.3 Kb)

You can also keep up-to-date with news about HS2 in your
area, including events, at http://www.hs2instaffs.commonplace.is

Parish Council Meeting – 26 September 2018

Summary agenda:
1. Apologies for absence
2. Public session
3. Declarations of Interests
4. Minutes of Previous Meetings
5. Matters of report
6. Planning
7. Financial matters
8. Group Reports
9. Correspondence, bulletins & reports
10. HS2
11. Agenda items for the next meeting
12. Date and time of next meeting
Wednesday, 31st October 2018 7.00pm Memorial Room, Village Hall

The full meeting notice and draft minutes of the last meeting are available on these pages

Horn Dance road closures – 10 September 2018

Details of the possible closures and disruption to traffic are outlined in the formal notice from East Staffordshire Borough Council.

See notice here: Horn Dance road closure notice – 2018 (109.1 Kb)

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