Neighbourhood Development Plan Group meeting (Public Session)
Topic: Heritage and Conservation
It is imperative that the public opinion is taken into account when producing a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).
Since November 2018 the Abbots Bromley NDPG have invited the public to attend the first programmed group meeting of the month.
These meetings have proved popular, allowing the group to include the public in discussions on a specific topic relevant to the production
Of the Parish NDP.
Notice of these meetings is currently available of the Abbots website; social media; notice-boards throughout the village;
NDP website; NDP minutes; Parish News; Bromley Bulletin (as available).
Parish Council Meeting – 28 February 2019
Summary agenda:
1. Apologies for absence
2. Public session
3. Declarations of Interests
4. Minutes of Previous Meetings
5. Neighbourhood Plan Update
6. HS2
7. Matters of report
8. Planning
9. Financial matters
10. Group Reports
11. Correspondence, bulletins & reports
12. Parish Assembly
13. Jubilee Cup
14. Agenda items for the next meeting
15. Date and time of next meeting
Wednesday, 27th March 2018 7.00pm Memorial Room, Village Hall
The full meeting notice and draft minutes of the last meeting are available on these pages
HS2 Power Supply Proposals (February 2019)
To recap, HS2 are intending to build a large electricity substation just south of the B5234 Abbots Bromley Road at Parkgate (I mile west of Newborough) where there are existing high voltage overhead power cables. HS2 then intend to erect two parallel lines of pylons – 60 in total, between 28 and 39 metres tall.
Power will then be cabled from this new substation in a south westerly direction, through Bromley Hurst and across the Blithe Valley to Newlands Lane near Colton, where it will be used as the sole power source for phase 2a (Birmingham to Crewe) of HS2.
Following on from our report in November’s Bulletin a Steering Group has been formed with the Parish Councillors from Newborough, Hoar Cross, Abbots Bromley and several affected parishioners, to try and mitigate the effects of this.
The original proposal was for 2 power circuits to be installed from the Rugeley power station site. Now that a 3rd circuit is deemed to be necessary for security of supply, this site, according both HS2 and the National Grid, is apparently no longer suitable – hence Parkgate. Following a meeting with Michael Fabricant (who in turn has written to the Under Secretary of State responsible for HS2), we have been advised that reinstating Rugeley is not a viable option.
The one option we now have is to petition for the cabling to go underground. Because of the initial disruption of this to the various landowners, we have written to them requesting their support. If this is forthcoming we would intend to petition for this solution, by the imposed deadline of 15th March.
Regular updates will be provided at Parish Council meetings and detailed in the meeting minutes. To access the full proposals submitted by HS2 visit
Your local news could appear here
Have you got something to tell local people about? If so and you are not a commerical organisation, why not submit a news item for the web pages?
Simply send a message to our webmaster – including:
- A one line title for your news item
- A two or three line summary
- The main body of your news item
If you have images or documents you would like to link to your news item, say so in the message and we will explain how to get those to us.
Web pages on new server
At 7am the nameserver records were updated to bring the web pages into operation on a different server operated by another hosting company.
For most users this will have no effect other than the pages should now load rather more quickly than before.
Longer term this server change will enable the AB web pages to start using https (rather than http) and it will also provide a number of benefits to those who update the pages including statistics of usage that are compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).