Closure of main street on Wednesday 3rd April 2019
Details are in the attached notice
Elections on Thursday 2 May 2019
Click on the following links to view the notices:
- Notice of Election for Borough (21.0 Kb)
- Notice of Election for Parish (24.3 Kb)
NDPG (Public Session) meeting 4th April 2019
Topic: Youth Forum
It is imperative that public opinion is taken into account when producing a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).
Since November 2018 the Abbots Bromley NDPGroup have invited the public to attend the first programmed group meeting of the month.
These meetings have proved popular, allowing the group to include the public in discussions on a specific topic relevant to the production of the Parish NDP.
If you are unable to attend these meetings, please submit your written views/opinions to the NDPG by dropping off at ‘Top Shop’ (Cash Stores) or The NDPG Secretary, Callander House, Bagot Street, AB.
Notice of these meetings is currently available on the Abbots website; social media; notice-boards throughout the village; NDP minutes; Parish News; Bromley Bulletin (as available).
Parish Council Grants – April 2019
This could be to help fund some new equipment, improve facilities or generally help the organisation to keep operating.
If you would like to apply for a grant then please submit your request in writing to the Parish Clerk at or to the address below before 19th April 2019.
Please include as much information as possible about the organisation, what the grants is required for, when the money will be spent and any supporting quotations.
All grant applications will be considered at the Parish Council meeting on Wednesday, 24th April and you will be notified after this meeting if the application has been successful. You will then be invited to a future Parish Council meeting to receive the grant.
Sarah Meads
Parish Clerk
Marsh Farm
Uttoxeter Road
Abbots Bromley
WS15 3EJ
Parish Council Meeting – 27 March 2019
Summary agenda:
1. Apologies for absence
2. Public session
3. Declarations of Interests
4. Minutes of Previous Meetings
5. Neighbourhood Plan Update
6. Matters of report
7. Planning
8. Financial matters
9. Group Reports
10. Correspondence, bulletins & reports
11. Parish Assembly
12. Agenda items for the next meeting
13. Date and time of next meeting
Parish Assembly – 7.00pm Wednesday, 17th April 2019 at Village Hall
April Parish Council Meeting – 7.00pm Wednesday, 24th April 2019 at Village Hall
The full meeting notice and draft minutes of the last meeting are available on these pages
High Speed Two (HS2) Newsletter – March 2019
The project team recognise that local people may be concerned about the potential impacts of HS2.
This newsletter explains the latest plans and the support available.
Re-naturalising Tad Brook
Supported by the National Environment Programme fund from the Environment Agency, the scheme will divert the existing Tad Brook from its current course, which is very straight, so that it meanders and creates an improved habitat for otters, brown trout and invertebrates.
The work involves felling the old non-native trees, which have been badly damaged by squirrels, and creating a new course for the brook, meeting up with the drainage from the surrounding fields. Once the work is completed, native willow and alder trees will be planted to create a new wet woodland, complimenting the biodiversity of the brook.
Visit the South Staffs web pages for full details and video.
News archive
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- Friel Homes Public Meetings - 6th & 7th October 2022
- Parish Council Meeting, 28th September 2022
- HM Queen Elizabeth II – 1926 -2022
- HM The Queen, Elizabeth II – Staffordshire County Council – details of condolence and Proclamations
- HM The Queen, Elizabeth II – East Staffordshire Borough Council statement
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- Pop Up Testing for Covid-19
- Invitation to Tender for Lengthman's Contract April 2021-Oct 23
- Information regarding 2021 Census
- Agenda and documents for Parish Council Meeting - 27th January 2021
- Information regarding voting in the forthcoming May elections
- Staffordshire leaders call for people working through lockdown to get tested
- Notice of Conclusion of Audit for year ending 31st March 2020
- AB Neighbourhood Development Plan Update - December 2020
- Neighbourhood Plan contact details
- Abbots Bromley Parish Council Meeting, 6th January 2021
- [+]2020 (32)
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- [+] April (7)
- Neighbourhood Development Plan Group meeting (Public Session)
- Parish Council Meeting - 24 April 2019
- Abbots Bromley Art Class Open Afternoon - 9th May 2019
- 2019 Annual Report (Updated)
- Election Information - 2nd May 2019
- Abbots Bromley Annual Parish Assembly - 17 April 2019
- Mobile Library dates/times now available
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