Abbots Bromley web pages updated – July 2020

Regular visitors to these pages may notice that some changes were made over the weekend of 25/26th July 2020. These revisions were the culmination of several months of planning and preparation and intended to:

  • Refresh the appearance of the web pages
  • Make navigation around the pages easier
  • Tidy up out-of-date and obsolete content
  • Remove advertising
  • Update the underlying technology that delivers the web pages
  • Improve support for mobile devices
  • Improve accessibility

In particular it was this last item of improving accessibility that provided the impetus to make the changes at this time so that the Parish Council pages could be brought into line with the requirements of the “Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018”.

We are aware that some of the content relating to clubs and businesses may still be out-of-date and your feedback in helping to keep these entries accurate would be invaluable. Please send any suggested changes to the Parish Clerk.

Parish Council Meeting – 29 July 2020


1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of Interests
3. Minutes of Previous Meetings
4. Neighbourhood Plan Update
5. Matters of Report
6. Planning
7. Financial Matters
8. Correspondence, bulletins and reports
9. Agenda items for next meeting
10. Date, time and place of future meetings
September Parish Council Meeting 7.00pm Wed, 30th Sept 2020 TBC

Due to Covid-19 Parish Council Meetings are currently being held virtually via Microsoft Teams. If you would like to attend the meeting then please contact the Parish Clerk at to request a meeting invite. Requests to attend meeting to be received by Monday, 27th July at 5.00pm

You can view the full agenda and related documents: Parish Council Agenda for 29 July 2020

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