Parish Council Meeting – 30 September 2020


1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of Interests
3. Minutes of Previous Meetings
4. Neighbourhood Plan Update
5. Matters of Report
6. Planning
7. Financial Matters
8. Group Reports
9. Correspondence, bulletins and reports
10. United Charities
11. Agenda items for next meeting
10. Date, time and place of future meetings
– Parish Council Meeting 7.00pm Wed, 28th October 2020 TBC

Due to Covid-19 Parish Council Meetings are currently being held virtually via Microsoft Teams. If you would like to attend the meeting then please contact the Parish Clerk at to request a meeting invite. Requests to attend meeting to be received by Monday, 28th September at 5.00pm

You can view the full agenda and related documents: Parish Council Agenda for 30 September 2020

Neighbour of the Year Award 2020 Now Open

Nominate a neighbour that goes above and beyond for your community for the Neighbour of the Year Award 2020 run by Co-op Insurance and Neighbourhood Watch

For the third year running, we’re excited to launch the nationwide search in partnership with our friends at Co-op Insurance to find and celebrate some of the UK’s best neighbours.

Our members have told us that to be a great neighbour people share some clear qualities: a willingness to look out for others; being sociable and friendly; offering practical help; and being kind, caring and respectful.

In addition to our Neighbour of the Year Award, this year we have a brand-new category, Co-op’s Young Neighbour of the Year. This award will celebrate someone aged 18-24 who has gone above and beyond to help enhance their community and has brought people, young and old, together.

If you’ve got someone who ticks all these boxes and more in either category, tell us all about them and how they go above and beyond.

Click here to be taken to our nomination form, where you can share your stories of great neighbourly activities and acts of kindness.

The deadline to nominate is 27th October.

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