Horn Dance Day- 11th September 2023

Horn Dance day is approaching, please see timings below or foldable leaflet.



Horn Dance Leaflet

Open Reach- connect your community!

Open Reach are currently running a scheme to bring full fibre services to Abbots Bromley, many residents in the more remote area’s of Abbots Bromley struggle with internet connection so it would be a valuable scheme to support.

Vouchers are offered to each household and each voucher is worth £4,500 to pledge towards the works, if you would want to utilise these services you can sign up now and pledge your voucher, it doesn’t cost you anything to sign up.

Once the services are active you will sign up to receive these services.

It is not likely that these works will take place in Abbots Bromley without the help of the Community.

See information below-

Connect my community | Openreach

Instruction to sign up and pledge your voucher-

Open Reach Instruction


Resident supporting the scheme advises-

This is the best chance that Abbots Bromley will have in the foreseeable future to get a broadband speed which is future-proof. Even if your speed seems good enough now, it may not be so in a year or two as the content providers will assume that everyone has a fast connection and your service may deteriorate.

Also if you should need to sell your property in the next few years buyers will be put off if there is not decent broadband available.

If you are on the outskirts of the Abbots Bromley Exchange area (ie further from a green box) this project will be especially advantageous to you.


Horn Dance Stalls 2023

Horn Dance will be held on Monday 11th September, we’d love to welcome new and existing stall holders, if you would like a stall please complete the form below and return to Parish.council@abbotsbromley.com

Stall Booking form 2023

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