Notice of Parish Council Meeting Thursday 2nd November 2023

Due to unforeseen circumstances it was necessary to cancel the proposed meeting on the 25th October. This meeting will now be held on Thursday 2nd November 7pm at the Village hall.


October Agenda

CANCELLED- Notice of October Parish Council meeting 25th October 2023

October Agenda

Supporting documents will all be published by Sunday 22nd October, this is to ensure all payments and planning applications received in the week prior to the meeting are included within the items to consider at the meeting.

Completion of Audit of Accounts 2022-2023

The external audit of Abbots Bromley Parish Council accounts has been been completed with no issue’s reported.

Abbots Bromley Parish Council – Audited AGAR 2022_23

Abbots Bromley Parish Council – Completion letter


Open Reach Full Fibre

The scheme is fast approaching the deadline and there are only 15 houses required to sign up for it to be successful!!

To sign up see previous posts with the easy steps to follow!

2023.09.28 – Full Fibre Broadband Prices

Above are current prices from providers, these may change but indicate potential prices that those who have pledged may be expected to sign up too.


August Bulletin

August Bulletin

News archive