Planning Application P/2023/01348

The parish council will be discussing the above application relating to Infiniti Restaurant, residents are more than welcome to join us and discuss the pro’s and con’s.

The Parish Council will then vote on comments to be entered to against the Planning application in our role as Statutory Consultee.

Residents are encouraged to send in there comments and detail out any issues, personal objections or support of the proposed works. Any comments can be sent to these can then be shared with the Councillors, reviewed and included in a response where suitable.

Please be advised that although a sensitive item people should only speak when requested by the Chair of the meeting, this ensures we are able to accurately minute the meeting.


Notice of Meeting 31st January 2024

Our monthly parish meeting will take place at 7pm at the Village Hall on the 31st January 2023.

Supporting documents will be uploaded 3 days prior to the meeting to ensure the information is all captured.

January Agenda

Jan Communication

Pot Hole day January 15th

After a wet and cold period roads and pot holes are worse than ever, tomorrow is Pot Hole day so we would like to encourage all residents to log any pot hole that they are aware of, only Pot holes reported are inspected and repaired.

Report a fault online – Staffordshire County Council

Reporting is easy, click on the above link and follow the on screen instructions.

Thank you!


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