Budget setting 25/26

The PC met in November to plan the Budget for 25/26, increasing costs of inflation and supplies required a budget increase of £2,909.

A prudent budget was set which ensured that necessary expenses are provided for whilst trying to keep down any other costs to ensure any rise in precept is fair.

The main costs of the PC other than staffing and insurance costs are the cost of maintaining the grounds within the Parish and maintaining the parks and open spaces.

As the parks age maintenance costs grow but Abbots Bromley is proud of it’s parks and want to continue to provide this equipment.

The PC also has responsibility for some large and very old trees which may require works in the near future as such we need to ensure that funds are in place should expensive works be required.

The budget increase of £2,909 ensures that the PC can continue to provide it’s services and maintains reserves should any unforeseen events occur.

The PC have agreed a rise in precept of £2,909 which results in an increase for residents of £3.42 per Council tax paying household, based on a band D property for the year. 



Notice of Parish Council Meeting 29th January 2025

Agenda January

SID sign

Our new Speed Indicator Device has now been installed on Uttoxeter Road, the indicator will show when vehicles are driving at speeds over 30mph and request vehicles to slow.

The SID also tracks the number or vehicles and the speeds so that the data can be analysed, it does not record or take photos, record number plates or any other data.

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