Abbots Bromley Village Show 2004

Published 3 August 2004

Despite the deluge that threatened to drown the ‘Fun Runners’ on the eve of the show, the run was very well supported and the whole evening set the tone nicely for Saturday’s festivities.

As ever, there was an enthusiastic response from the children to the Fancy Dress competition, and The Horn Dancers, the British Legion, local owners of Classic Cars and the Firemen all gave their support to the venture making a colourful and entertaining spectacle as the parade made its way to the Village Hall. Added interest was provided by the marching band and the vintage brewery vehicles kindly provided by Coors.

Reverend Simon Davis opened the Show and, once again, the sun shone on our annual event. There were a number of new attractions this year; Punch & Judy and Quad Bikes for the children with the excellent Burbage Brass Band providing a musical interlude, but the variety of stalls offered something for everyone. Most interest seemed to centre around the Fat Club’s ‘Guess the Weight’ competition. Negotiations are currently underway for a 2005 Calendar!

Most village clubs and societies were well represented with stalls and services ranging from refreshments provided by the scouts, guides, cubs and brownies to face painting by the Jelly Tots. The generous donations from their takings helped us on the way to the £1,000 plus profit, which will go towards providing a Christmas party for the children and support for the Evergreens’ outings.

Following last year’s show, we were also able to support the new First Responders Unit and the Under 5’s Play Scheme Project. We ask that any suggestions as to how the rest of the profit should be used this year, or requests for donations should be passed, in writing, to a member of the committee by 10th October.

The committee would like to thank all those who supported the show this year in whatever capacity. We look forward to your continued support in the future.

Diary dates

    {*]Annual General Meeting – 8pm Tuesday 12th October 2004 at the Goat’s Head [*}Show Day 2005 – 11th June

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