Abbots Bromley Village Show
Published 18 May 2004
A number of village organisations benefited from the success of last year’s show. This success was, in no small way, due to the excellent weather, but more importantly, to the terrific support from everyone involved on the day, in whatever capacity. The committee would like to thank everyone who helped to make the event a memorable one.
Planning for this year’s show is well under way and, once again, there are a number of pre-show activities before the main event on the 12th June. Dates for your diary are:-
- {*]Friday 7th May – Sing-along to your old favourites at the Crown [*}Tuesday 11th May – Dine in Italian style at the Goat’s Head {*]Wednesday 19th May – Test your general knowledge in the quiz at the Bagot [*}Sunday 30th May – Listen to live music courtesy of ‘Rock of Ages’ at the Royal Oak {*]Thursday 10th June – Make a date at the Coach & Horses [*}Saturday 5th June – Sports Day at Richard Clarke First School {*]Friday 11th June – Join in the annual ‘Fun Run’ [*}Saturday 12th June – To round off the fun on Show Day, the Cricket Club is holding a dance at the Village Hall (Ticket only).
From 29th May to 11th June, a ‘Village ‘Photo Quiz’ will be available from the village shops and Post Office for the under 16’s to enter.
The theme for the Fancy Dress Parade this year is ‘advertising’. All entrants should assemble at the ‘lowers’ from 12 p.m. in order for judging to take place before the parade at 12.30.
Margaret Sanderson has, once again, generously offered to sell plants from The Old Blacksmith’s Shop at Bromley Wood. Margaret would like to thank all those who donated to last year’s effort, which raised £100 for charity. She would be happy to receive any redundant plant pots (tel. 840535).
In addition to the market stalls, other attractions this year include, a brass band, Punch & Judy, spinning demonstrations, the ever popular Horn Dancers and much, much more. Entry on Show Day will be by programme only, price £2 for adults and 50p for children. Programmes will be on sale at all the pre-show events and from Jill Crooks, price £1 – make sure you get yours early and take advantage of the discounted price.
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