Annual Parish Assembly – 16 May 2012

Published 10 May 2012

The formal business will commence at 7.00 pm, tea and coffee will be available from 6.30 pm and the councillors will be present if you would like to discuss any issues with them informally beforehand.

At 7.00pm there will be a short presentation from Abbots Bromley Cricket & Football Club on the progress being made on the new Sports Ground on Lichfield Road and also the Scout & Guide Group on the Community Mini Bus.

1. Apologies
2. Chairman’s Report – Cllr Roger Jarman
3. Presentation of certificate to 2011 Jubilee Cup holders
4. Presentation of Jubilee Cup for 2012
5. Receive the accounts from United Charities
6. Open Forum
7. Chairman’s Closing Remarks

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