Community bulk oil buying scheme

Published 31 January 2013

They have had three successful orders and have just placed another one. The scheme currently has just over 170 members across the whole county.

People join the scheme as either domestic (£20), community building (£30) or business(£100) members. This is an annual membership. Every month we then invite the members to place their heating order with us. The orders are then collated together and passed to a negotiating team, who will then negotiate the cheapest price that they can get. Once the order has been placed we will then contact members letting them know the price and supplier details and any information about delivery. Payment is made to the suppliers and delivery will be within 3-10 days.

The more people that join the scheme the stronger their negotiating power will be helping to bring the prices down further.

For more information and to look at past prices please visit their website (link expired)

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