Community Spirit Making A Difference

Published 23 November 2012

In May 2012, a team headed by Martin Godfrey, including Rev. Lynda Farrington, Gill Grundy, Anthea Blower, Maureen Allaker and Lesley Purden, decided on a plan of action to raise awareness for the need to support St Nicholas Church.

Aware that the weekly cost, circa £800, is a large mouth to feed, the team set about trying to “make a difference”. Local events were thought through, to invite the community as a whole to join in, have fun, socialise and to get out of the house for the day/evening.

The first event was quickly put to bed, advertised and what a success!! The Bagot Arms hosted a BBQ evening, attended by more than 100 people and £1060 raised.

We were now up and running and the secret was out – we had a fund raising social event agenda! October came and went with a fund raising Gift Aid Weekend. Another success for the team!

We have raised £2663 to date, and we know we can look forward to a healthy tax return in 2013 which should boost the total by another £500 approx. In November we held a Fun Quiz Night, hosted by the Coach & Horses, again supported by some 100 people and £700 raised.

The Crown supported with a Penny Jar collection and Cash Stores sold second hand books to help boost the overall total. Another £200 (ish) for the cause. We look forward to a full agenda of perhaps 6 events in 2013 and to full support from the community and others to help us “make a difference”.

Details of events to follow………

Martin Godfrey

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