The Neighbour plan gives a degree of control over planning applications which affect the village, the Parish Council will continue to monitor national and local planning changes and amend the Neighbourhood Plan accordingly.
The Parish Council wishes to thank all those involved in any way with the Neighbourhood Plan over the past nine years. It has been some journey.
About this page
The information about the Neighbourhood Plan on this page is divided into a number of sections for ease of reference. You can display the contents of any section by clicking on the relevant heading.
Neighbourhood Planning is a right for communities to shape their own areas. Introduced through the Localism Act 2011, Parishes like Abbots Bromley now have the ability to draw up their own planning policy document. This is unlike any planning document or village design statement that has gone before as once finalised a Neighbourhood Development Plan becomes part of the Local Plan and the policies contained within them are then used in the determination of planning applications. Once a plan is in place developers and decision makers will be legally bound to consider the policies within the plan.
You can find out more about the plan and about consultations and events etc within this section of the Abbots Bromley website. The section on “the Story so far” provides information as to how the Neighbourhood Plan working group was formed and work that has been carried out so far.
Ultimately the Neighbourhood Plan can only be drafted and be a success if we can engage and receive good support from across the Parish. Once the plan is at the final draft stage it will go through a formal referendum whereby all those of voting age will be able to have their say (eligibility criteria is the same as it is to vote in a local election).
Please therefore get involved, follow this website for updates and news on the Neighbourhood Plan progress.
This plan is a fabulous opportunity to shape our community for the future
In July 2015 the Parish Council decided to begin the process of developing a Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish. This effectively began the process. The Parish Council formally wrote to East Staffordshire Borough Council (ESBC) to request that the Parish become a Neighbourhood Plan Area. This was approved on the 8th October 2015 by ESBC following a statutory 4 week consultation. The agreed area that the plan is to cover is attached. Abbots Bromley Parish is now the 17th Parish within East Staffordshire to be designated as a Neighbourhood Planning Area. Further details regarding the designation can be found at the following link:
A Public meeting was held on the 18th November 2015 in the village hall when a planning officer came to talk to residents and answer questions about the Neighbourhood Plan process. The meeting was very well supported with over 40 people attending.
A number of people at the meeting expressed an interest in forming a Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group. In January 2016 the working group was agreed by the Parish Council and ratified through a Terms of Reference (ToR) document which can be found within the accessibility tab on this site.
The group has since met in January and February 2016. Early work has involved getting to grips with the Neighbourhood Development Plan process, agreeing a timetable for plan delivery and beginning the task of plan awareness raising and engagement. A first questionnaire has been sent out to all homes and businesses across the Parish, it is also available on this website and so please complete it by 31st March 2016 as this will help the group to shape the next steps in the process.
- Environment Agency screening Draft NDP
- Letter from Historic England re Screening of Draft NDP
- Letter to Parish Council re SEA HRA
- ESBC SEA screening for draft NDP – December 2020
- Natural England screening Draft NDP
7th February 2022 to 21st March 2022
This is a formal consultation on the Pre-Submission Abbots Bromley Neighbourhood Plan in accordance with Regulation 14 Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.
This consultation runs from 7th February 2022 until 21st March 2022
The Neighbourhood Plan does not seek to identify or allocate land for development at this time. Instead it provides a framework for future development in Abbots Bromley based on the wishes expressed by residents in a series of public meetings and a housing needs assessment provided by an independent consultant
To view a copy of the draft plan follow this link ndp draft 4b
All responses to this consultation must be submitted in writing to Mrs S Meads, Clerk to Abbots Bromley Parish Council, The Hayloft, Marsh Farm, Uttoxeter Road, Abbots Bromley, Staffordshire, WS15 3EJ, or emailed to by noon on Monday 21st March 2022.
7th February 2022 to 21st March 2022
This is a formal consultation on the Pre-Submission Abbots Bromley Neighbourhood Plan in accordance with Regulation 14 Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.
This consultation runs from 7th February 2022 until 21st March 2022
The Neighbourhood Plan does not seek to identify or allocate land for development at this time. Instead it provides a framework for future development in Abbots Bromley based on the wishes expressed by residents in a series of public meetings and a housing needs assessment provided by an independent consultant
To view a copy of the draft plan follow this link ndp draft 4b
All responses to this consultation must be submitted in writing to Mrs S Meads, Clerk to Abbots Bromley Parish Council, The Hayloft, Marsh Farm, Uttoxeter Road, Abbots Bromley, Staffordshire, WS15 3EJ, or emailed to by noon on Monday 21st March 2022
Final Draft to be voted on May 4th 2023
Terms of reference
The key responsibility of the Abbots Bromley Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group will be to consult on and draft a Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish of Abbots Bromley.
- The group will be responsible for organising and overseeing all consultation events and other work associated with the Neighbourhood Plan
- The group will be responsible for agreeing methods of consultation, social media and website use as deemed appropriate for maximum plan engagement across the Parish
- The group will be responsible for agreeing and allocating resources required for the Neighbourhood Plan process, once agreement through the full Parish Council has been sought.
- The Group will be expected to familiarise themselves as much as possible with the Planning process, in particular Neighbourhood Plan Policy Guidance which provides guidelines that must be followed and gives useful advice. The group chair can advise further on this if necessary.
- The group will understand that the Plan is to be positively prepared. Any issues that may raise a conflict of interest with any group member must be notified to the group chair and will be fed back to the full Parish Council.
The full terms of reference are linked from the right hand side of this page.
Geographical scope
Click this link to see a map of Abbots Bromley Parish (2.8 Mb).
Abbots Bromley Neighbourhood Plan adopted – May 2023
On the 4th May 2023 Abbots Bromley neighbourhood plan was successfully voted for by residents… […]
AB Neighbourhood Development Plan Update – December 2020
Following on from the informative series of public meetings held during 2018/2019, the NDP group… […]
Abbots Bromley Parish Neighbourhood Plan – April 2020
Work to bring the Parish Neighbourhood Plan to the Draft stage for public consultations is… […]
AB Neighbourhood Development Plan Survey – September 2019
The NDPG are conducting a Parish wide survey to allow parishioners the opportunity to comment… […]
AB Neighbourhood Development Plan Update – August 2019
Over recent weeks the NDPG have been productively collating the evidence and commentary gathered from… […]
Neighbourhood Plan Funding Success – June 2019
The NPDG are pleased to announce that the funding application submitted to ‘Locality’ has been… […]
Neighbourhood Development Plan Group meeting (Public Session)
Taking place on 6th June 2019 at 7pm in Church House ‘Come and Have Your… […]
New documents relating to the AB Neighbourhood Plan
Two new documents have been added to the Neighbourhood Plan page which may be of… […]
Neighbourhood Development Plan Group meeting (Public Session)
Taking place on 2nd May 2019 at 7pm in Church House ‘Come and Have Your… […]
NDPG (Public Session) meeting 4th April 2019
Taking place on 4th April 2019 at 7pm in Church House The Youth of Abbots… […]
Neighbourhood Development Plan Group meeting (Public Session)
Taking place on 7th March 2019 at 7pm in Church House ‘Come and Have Your… […]
July 2018 Update on Neighbourhood Development Plan
The Parish Assembly on the 23rd May brought about significant changes with regard to the… […]
Neighbourhood Development Plan future June 2018
A meeting of Parish Councillors and residents was held on 21 June 2018 to discuss… […]
Community Involvement in Neighbourhood Development Plan
To aid understanding of the work carried out on consultation for the Neighbourhood Development Plan,… […]
Neighbourhood Development Plan update May 2018
The Chair of the Working Group for the Abbots Bromley Neighbourhood Development Plan has resigned […]
Would you like to join the Neighbourhood Development Plan Group?
Happy 2018! As the New Year begins the Abbots Bromley Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) group… […]
ABNDP Newsletter and Housing Needs Analysis
The Abbots Bromley Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group has issued a newsletter and is… […]
ABPNDP News and Events – Summer 2016
The Neighbourhood Development Plan Group has provided a brief update on key events and activities… […]
Contact the Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group
One of the key results of the recent consultation was that the community asked to… […]
Abbots Bromley Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan
Information about the Abbots Bromley Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan can now be found on these… […]
May 2019
A second independent consultant has completed a review of the draft plan that was being produced in May 2018. The summary report outlines the ‘Next Steps’ required to bring forward a robust an effective plan. See report here: Review of next steps – May 2019 (124.7 Kb)
April 2019
An update from the Neighbourhood Plan Group was included in the Annual Report to the Parish Assembly available on these web pages. There are also notes from a further verbal report delivered at the Assembly: NP report to Parish Assembly 2019 (41.1 Kb).
September 2018
A report by an independent consultant on the Abbots Bromley Neighbourhood Development Plan reviewed the approach and progress up to May 2018: Report on Neighbourhood Planning process (Sep ’18) (237.0 Kb).
July 2018
The Parish Assembly on the 23rd May brought about significant changes with regard to the Abbots Bromley Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP). See this update for details: July 2018 Update on Neighbourhood Develoment Plan (46.9 Kb).
January 2018
The Neighbourhood Plan Group has been working hard to fill the vacancies in the team following the decision taken by Tom Wheeldon and Neal Haywood in late 2017 to step down. It is vital that we can operate with the full group quota set by the Parish Council of ten members in order that we can spread the work load and time commitment.
We are delighted to confirm that local residents Keith Baker and Rob Humphries have agreed to join the group. We are sure they will bring key skills and local knowledge to the team.
January 2017
A newsletter from ESBC provides a great overview of the progress being made in the different parishes across our area:
ESBC Neighbourhood Plan Newsletter – January 2017 (344.5 Kb)
August 2016
A newsletter is available with all the important updates: ABPNDP Newsletter – August 2016 (1.3 Mb).
June 2016
Well, it’s been a busy time! The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group worked hard during April and May to pull the results of the consultation together and get the displays etc ready in time for the Parish Assembly on 18th May. We are lucky to have such an engaged and dedicated team, willing to give their time up to help progress the plan.
The response we had back to the consultation was nothing short of incredible! So many people took the time to respond to the questionnaire as well as take time out to come and view the displays at the Assembly.
So what happens next? Well the Working Group are in the process of responding directly to the two key issues you identified in the consultation, local housing need and traffic/parking. Overwhelmingly these were the main issues of concern or interest to people right across the Parish. We will be commissioning research into these issues in the coming months before we consult further later in the summer. The next edition of the Bromley Bulletin will be landing on doormats before long and we will provide an update on progress.
We also have meetings with a range of village organisations in the pipeline including Abbots Bromley School in a bid to get as many people involved as possible in having their say in the direction of the plan.
As well as this we will be drafting some new displays to put up on the Green by the Buttercross as well as hopefully in the Village Hall and Church House so keep an eye out for these.
We’ve now had almost 90 “likes” on the NDP Facebook Page which is fantastic, we are doing our best to be “visible” by using as many means as we can to communicate with you so please keep spreading the word and keep checking for updates.
Thank you
Bryn Walters
Abbots Bromley Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Chair
How to shape where you live
There is a 64-page booklet about Neighbourhood Planning that provides helpful background information. You can download or view How to shape where you live
- Landscape Character and Built Environment (July 2017) (1.2 Mb)
- Housing Needs Assessment – Report of Consultation (July 2017) (1.1 Mb)
- Results and Report of Site Selection Process (July 2017) (5.6 Mb)
- Statement of Community Involvement (May 2018) (1.8 Mb)
- Glossary of Planning Terminology (May 2019) (60.1 Kb)
- Abbots Bromley HNA Final Report – Revised 130120
- NDP Draft 3
- NP Submission Draft October 2022 (1) (1) (002)
Consultation Results (January to March 2016)
- Draft Report for 21st April 2016 (486.5 Kb)
Local Housing Needs Assessment (Autumn 2016)
On Thursday 1st December 2016, the Neighbourhood Plan group presented the results of the local Housing Needs Assessment carried out during the Autumn of 2016.
You can see displays of the key statistics and an update on the work in this presentation.
Housing sites feedback & traffic/parking cons. (Spring 2017)
- Introductory presentation for the evening (243.9 Kb)
- Housing site selection presentation (523.8 Kb)
- Traffic, Parking & Highways consultation (1.6 Mb)
- Report of the event on 15th March 2017 (145.1 Kb)
Vision and Objectives Consultation (May 2017)
- Introduction to the Vision and Objectives Consultation (39.2 Kb)
- Parish Assembly May 2017 – community consultation comments (594.3 Kb)
Previous Plan Timetables
- Key Milestone Timeline 2018-2019 (February 2019) (30.3 Kb)
- NDP Timetable (Revised October 2017) (21.3 Kb)