AB Neighbourhood Development Plan Update – December 2020

Published 8 January 2021

Following on from the informative series of public meetings held during 2018/2019, the NDP group set about the task of producing the Draft NDP earlier this year (2020). Unfortunately, the pandemic made this task significantly more difficult than it already was.

The Parish Council is able to report that the work in producing the Draft document has now been completed. It has been successfully reviewed by the consultant, and is now with an ESBC support officer for screening.

The Draft will very soon be with the PC for presentation to the wider parish in order for ‘Regulation 14’ public consultation to commence. At that time all residents will be formally invited to provide comment. This is expected to occur early in the New Year. Details of the consultation process will be provided at the time.

A great deal of hard work has gone in to getting to this point. We all look forward to the next phase whereby the public are able to view the Draft NDP document, the production of which has been led by their valuable input.

If you have any queries on this subject please contact:

Clerk to the Abbots Bromley Parish Council, The Hayloft, Marsh Farm, Uttoxeter Road, Abbots Bromley, WE15 3EJ.

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