This history is incomplete without your contribution!
No history of Abbots Bromley will ever be complete, since there will always be someone who knows something not yet recorded.
Perhaps you have some unique information, records or pictures that would be of interest to others? If so, please email me with details and it may be that we can add your contribution into these pages for wider publication.
Horn Dancers outside the Dolphin
Jenny Naylor has contributed this picture of Horn Dancers outside the Dolphin early in the last century when it was the Dolphin Inn.
Although the photograph had a caption that indicated a date of 1908, the death of one of those shown was July 1908 suggesting that the image was probably no later than 1907 if the picture was taken on Horn Dance day in September.
Jenny believes that the couple at the centre back are probably Kate and Henry Boulton and the old lady on the left is Jenny’s great great grandmother, Frances Rogers (nee Waddingham) 1839 – 1910. The young woman in the doorway is probably Norah Boulton, Henry & Kate’s daughter, who was born in 1894, so the picture must have been between about 1903 – 1907.
Can anyone identify any of their forbears in the picture?