Abbots Bromley Surgery
More information about opening hours and the services provided is available on the Abbots Bromley Surgery web pages.
Surgery telephone: (01283) 840228
Bus services
Visit the County Council web pages and search for “bus services”, or go direct the list of services for Uttoxeter and Cheadle.
Mobile Library
For the latest information visit the County Council web pages and search for “mobile library”.
Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch is not solely about reducing burglary or break-ins, it is about fostering and growing communities who care. Neighbourhood Watch aims to reduce crime and fear of crime.
Neighbourhood Watches are co-ordinated by local residents and supported by Staffordshire Police. A scheme can be of any size. Members pass on information about anything suspicious and in return the force sends messages via the Online Watch Link (OWL) to alert members of suspected local criminal activity. Alerts are sent by phone, fax, text or email and there is a website:, where members can view messages and information about their local area.
Abbots Bromley is served by the Uttoxeter & District Neighbourhood Watch and our local Neighbourhood Watch Community Engagement Officer is Dave Jones:
- Email:
- Tel: 01785 238243

Although there is a Police base at Abbots Bromley Fire Station in Goose Lane, this is not in continuous use as most of the local officer time is spent out and about. If you wish to speak to somebody there, then you must make a prior appointment.
Further information is available on the Staffordshire Police web pages.
For all non-emergency calls, ring 101.
Richard Clarke First School

Five single entry classes mean no mixed age groups and a more focused curriculum. The school has enjoyed years of full subscription, which has left it with healthy finances meaning that its buildings, equipment and books are modern and up to date.
With an onsite nursery, offering wrap-around care, the transition from nursery to school is seamless, easy and natural for the youngest pupils.
Richard Clarke First School is a feeder to Uttoxeter’s popular middle school system and the academically accomplished high school, Thomas Alleyne.
For more information or to arrange a visit contact the school office on 01283 840206
See the school web pages at
Waste Collection
Staffordshire County Council provides a number of recycling sites including those at Rugeley, Uttoxeter and Burton. Information on their location and opening times can be found by searching for “recycling centres” on the County Council web pages.