Mineral and Waste Planning: Have your say

Published 12 June 2005

Staffordshire County Council is changing the way it plans for future quarries and waste treatment sites and we want you to get involved!

We are going to produce a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) which will set out the opportunities for people to get information and how you can make your voice heard.

We want to get as many people as possible involved. We need to reach the right people and use the best and most convenient ways to reach you.

If you want to find out more about the SCI or would like to register your interest in the consultation process now is your chance!

To find out more please visit our website at http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/planning or send us your name, address, e-mail and telephone details to:
Statement of Community Involvement Staffordshire County Council Riverway Stafford. ST16 3TJ.
Tel: 01785 277275 or 277271 or
e-mail us at: planning@staffordshire.gov.uk

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