Notice of WaterVoice meeting for Severn Trent Region

Published 13 July 2005

Representatives from Severn Trent Water, South Staffordshire Water, The Drinking Water Inspectorate and The Environment Agency will be present. The main items on the agenda will include a presentation from Severn Trent’s new Managing Director and the Drinking Water Inspectorate will present the findings from their Annual Report on drinking water quality over the past year.

In accordance with the provision of the Water Industry Act 1991 and the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the meeting will be open to the public. A copy of the agenda will be available at the meeting or in advance from the address above.

WaterVoice Central has been established by the Director General of Water Services to represent the interests of customers receiving water and/or sewerage services from the following companies: Severn Trent Water Limited and South Staffordshire Water Pic.

Lee Newman
Regional Manager

First Floor. Chanelle House. 86 New Street. Birmingham B2 4BA
Telephone – Office: 0121 644 5252. Fax: 0121 644 5256 Local): 08457 023953. Minicom: 0121 625 1422 Email:

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