Older News

Published 6 February 2016

May 2019

A second independent consultant has completed a review of the draft plan that was being produced in May 2018. The summary report outlines the ‘Next Steps’ required to bring forward a robust an effective plan. See report here: Review of next steps – May 2019 (124.7 Kb)

April 2019

An update from the Neighbourhood Plan Group was included in the Annual Report to the Parish Assembly available on these web pages. There are also notes from a further verbal report delivered at the Assembly: NP report to Parish Assembly 2019 (41.1 Kb).

September 2018

A report by an independent consultant on the Abbots Bromley Neighbourhood Development Plan reviewed the approach and progress up to May 2018: Report on Neighbourhood Planning process (Sep ’18) (237.0 Kb).

July 2018

The Parish Assembly on the 23rd May brought about significant changes with regard to the Abbots Bromley Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP). See this update for details: July 2018 Update on Neighbourhood Develoment Plan (46.9 Kb).

January 2018

The Neighbourhood Plan Group has been working hard to fill the vacancies in the team following the decision taken by Tom Wheeldon and Neal Haywood in late 2017 to step down. It is vital that we can operate with the full group quota set by the Parish Council of ten members in order that we can spread the work load and time commitment.

We are delighted to confirm that local residents Keith Baker and Rob Humphries have agreed to join the group. We are sure they will bring key skills and local knowledge to the team.

January 2017

A newsletter from ESBC provides a great overview of the progress being made in the different parishes across our area:

ESBC Neighbourhood Plan Newsletter – January 2017 (344.5 Kb)

August 2016

A newsletter is available with all the important updates: ABPNDP Newsletter – August 2016 (1.3 Mb).

June 2016

Well, it’s been a busy time! The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group worked hard during April and May to pull the results of the consultation together and get the displays etc ready in time for the Parish Assembly on 18th May. We are lucky to have such an engaged and dedicated team, willing to give their time up to help progress the plan.

The response we had back to the consultation was nothing short of incredible! So many people took the time to respond to the questionnaire as well as take time out to come and view the displays at the Assembly.

So what happens next? Well the Working Group are in the process of responding directly to the two key issues you identified in the consultation, local housing need and traffic/parking. Overwhelmingly these were the main issues of concern or interest to people right across the Parish. We will be commissioning research into these issues in the coming months before we consult further later in the summer. The next edition of the Bromley Bulletin will be landing on doormats before long and we will provide an update on progress.

We also have meetings with a range of village organisations in the pipeline including Abbots Bromley School in a bid to get as many people involved as possible in having their say in the direction of the plan.

As well as this we will be drafting some new displays to put up on the Green by the Buttercross as well as hopefully in the Village Hall and Church House so keep an eye out for these.

We’ve now had almost 90 “likes” on the NDP Facebook Page which is fantastic, we are doing our best to be “visible” by using as many means as we can to communicate with you so please keep spreading the word and keep checking for updates.

Thank you

Bryn Walters

Abbots Bromley Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group Chair

How to shape where you live

There is a 64-page booklet about Neighbourhood Planning that provides helpful background information. You can download or view How to shape where you live

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