Public and Patient Involvement Forums

Published 28 February 2005

Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Forums have been set up for each local NHS Trust across the country. PPI Forums are made up of groups of volunteers who are enthusiastic about helping patients and the public influence the way local health care is organised and delivered. In the words of the Department of Health they will help “to improve the quality of NHS services by bringing to trusts and PCTs the views and experiences of patients, their carers and families”, and they are “part of a much wider Government drive to improve patient experiences across the NHS”. All trusts must listen to their PPI Forum and must respond to them. The Forums have powers to carry out inspections of facilities. They can also look at how wider issues in the local community such as social care, transport or housing affect health.

Membership of Forums is by application. In Staffordshire the Forums are coordinated through ‘PPI Forums Staffordshire’ and they are at 28 Salter Street, Stafford. ST16 2JU. 01785 600617. Email address: More general information about Forums can be obtained from the Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health, 7th Floor, 120 Edmund Street, Birmingham. B3 2ES. 0845 120 7111, or

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