Road works in Radmore Lane – starting 10th October 2011

Published 4 October 2011

The County Council says:

“The works will start around 10th October 2011 and will take approximately 4 weeks to complete, however it is estimated that the carriageway resurfacing will take only 1 week to complete.

We take care to make sure that work is completed with the minimum of disturbance to the local community but as with any major works, delays may occur.

Although some works can be carried out without restrictions to traffic, it will be necessary to temporarily close Radmore Lane whilst the road resurfacing takes place. We understand that many residents and businesses have no other means of access to their property and as such we will gladly work with those affected in order to maintain access whilst these essential works take place.

We will aim to speak in person with all those affected, but if you would like to discuss any specific issues in advance of the works, please contact us via the telephone number above.

You can help us to get the job done with the minimum of delay by following this advice; please keep children away from the works to ensure their safety, please drive appropriately through the works as there may be temporary surfaces in place, please check your shoes before entering your property or car to make sure there is no bitumen from the works and please wherever possible avoid parking vehicles on the roadside when working in these areas.

If you have any questions about the work or, concerns about how the work is being carried out, please do not hesitate to call our Highways Hotline on 0300 111 8000 (calls will be charged at a local rate) or email

You can also keep up to date with the scheme progress and future programmed work in your area by logging onto our web pages at: (link expired)

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