Thank you Abbots Bromley

Published 18 April 2013

Dear Abbots Bromley and Surrounding Areas

We started in August 2012 with an idea or two to raise funds for St Nicholas Church. To coin a phrase, “If we build it, they will come” and you did! Thank you.

We have tried to entertain you, feed you, ply you with drink….(only joking), and we asked
for your support. And support you did! And it is just good news that I want to convey.

St Nicholas Church is an expensive “old dear” to keep. But, I can tell you our church wants for nothing. St Nicholas is well maintained and in good order throughout. Keeping the Church open all year, with our own resident Vicar, including all services is a very costly mouth to feed.

No doubt, without your recent efforts over the past 8 months, the financial state of affairs for our church would be dire. Yes, that bad. BUT………together we made a difference, and that was always my objective when we formed a fund raising committee……….To Make A Difference.

I am so happy and pleased to announce that in 8 short months we have raised more than
………………..£8000. And there’s more! We have a full programme of events for the
remainder of 2013 and I am sure, together, we will move into £5figures raised.

So, on behalf of Abbots Bromley PCC, we THANK YOU!

Martin Godfrey

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