The story so far….

Published 6 February 2016

Neighbourhood Planning diagram

In July 2015 the Parish Council decided to begin the process of developing a Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish. This effectively began the process. The Parish Council formally wrote to East Staffordshire Borough Council (ESBC) to request that the Parish become a Neighbourhood Plan Area. This was approved on the 8th October 2015 by ESBC following a statutory 4 week consultation. The agreed area that the plan is to cover is attached. Abbots Bromley Parish is now the 17th Parish within East Staffordshire to be designated as a Neighbourhood Planning Area. Further details regarding the designation can be found at the following link:

A Public meeting was held on the 18th November 2015 in the village hall when a planning officer came to talk to residents and answer questions about the Neighbourhood Plan process. The meeting was very well supported with over 40 people attending.

A number of people at the meeting expressed an interest in forming a Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group. In January 2016 the working group was agreed by the Parish Council and ratified through a Terms of Reference (ToR) document which can be found within the accessibility tab on this site.

The group has since met in January and February 2016. Early work has involved getting to grips with the Neighbourhood Development Plan process, agreeing a timetable for plan delivery and beginning the task of plan awareness raising and engagement. A first questionnaire has been sent out to all homes and businesses across the Parish, it is also available on this website and so please complete it by 31st March 2016 as this will help the group to shape the next steps in the process.

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