Wind farm application withdrawn

Published 27 April 2005

The following press release was issued by East Staffordshire Borough Council on 27 April 2005:

East Staffordshire Borough Council (ESBC) has been considering an application for planning permission, submitted by ABEnergy Ltd, in November 2004, to build seven wind turbines at Bagot’s Park near Abbots Bromley in East Staffordshire. The target timescale for the process of reaching a decision on the application, set by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, is 16 weeks from the date the submission is formally registered.

In assessing the Environmental Statement, which supports the planning application, the Local Planning Authority will require further information and clarification from ABEnergy on a number of issues. This means that it will not be possible to determine the application within the permitted timescale.

As a result, ABEnergy has agreed to withdraw the application in order to clarify some of the points raised by ESBC and supply the additional information required.

Alan Wood, Head of Development Services at ESBC says: “The Council did not have the information necessary to properly process this application within the statutory timescale. It has therefore been agreed that the applicants withdraw the application in order to provide the additional information we require to make a full and detailed assessment of the proposed development.

“The applicant’s co-operation is helpful as this allows more time for the consideration of the proposals. We anticipate that the applicants will resubmit a further application in due course to enable the Council to reach a decision within the statutory timescale.”

Keith Albrow of ABEnergy added: “I am not aware of a planning authority in the country that has determined an application for a wind farm within the statutory timescales. When Mr Wood explained the Council’s position it was clear that the only way forward was for us to respond positively to the Council’s request for a withdrawal at this stage. We have set ourselves a timescale of two months, the middle of June, for re-submitting a fresh application.”

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