Wind farm consultation

Published 29 January 2008

A special edition of the Bromley Bulletin will be delivered in the next few days to draw attention to the wind farm application for those who are as yet unaware of it.

With the Bulletin will be a short questionnaire that will help inform the Parish Council about local opinions. It also has space to draw attention to any key facts that the Council may wish to take into account in preparing a response to the consultation.

On Saturday 16th February the Environment Statement and plans will be available for inspection from 0930 to 1230 in Church House. Some of the Councillors may also be present for part of this time.

An extra meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Friday 22nd February in the village hall at 7:30pm. This is an extra meeting that will be dedicated to the wind farm proposal. It will provide residents of Abbots Bromley with an opportunity to express their own views and listen to those of others.

(There are ordinary meetings of the Parish Council scheduled for 30th January and 27th February. Due to other business on the agenda, there may be little or no opportunity to discuss the wind farm on those occasions but the meeting on 22nd will not be similarly constrained.)

Note that Parish Councils in other villages are also being included in the consultation. Residents of those villages should make their contributions to the consultation via their own Parish Council.

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